PCTEL Opens Wireless System Performance Lab

PCTEL has announced the opening of a wireless system performance lab at its Bloomingdale, IL headquarters in the United States. There is high demand for increased Wi-Fi throughput and device-level performance verification for enterprise, residential, and industrial IoT applications. Additionally, Industrial IoT devices must meet strict certification standards prior to connecting to LTE and other wireless carrier networks. This new lab provides performance testing for Wi-Fi access points, including client-side throughput testing. The lab also provides cellular device testing capabilities that address key requirements for carrier certification.

Wi-Fi access points require optimization and active component integration to deliver massive amounts of data to end users. The customers will benefit from PCTEL’s overall system performance approach to RF design and testing, as well as their technology leadership in complex antenna systems.

The wireless system performance lab complements PCTEL’s existing embedded systems design, integration, and testing capabilities. The company’s engineers will use the lab to evaluate and optimize the performance of Wi-Fi access points and IoT devices equipped with PCTEL antennas. PCTEL will also use the lab to provide pre-carrier certification testing for its customers. Pre-certification testing not only ensures device performance, but also minimizes the need for expensive re-testing at certification labs.

Publisher: everything RF


  • Country: United States
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