Agilent Technologies Unveils New IC-CAP Platform for Device Characterization and Modeling


Agilent Technologies Inc. announced the latest release of its device modeling software platform, the Integrated Circuit Characterization and Analysis Program (IC-CAP).

With IC-CAP 2013.01, Agilent introduces major improvements to its flagship product for high-frequency device modeling. One key improvement is turnkey extraction of the Angelov-GaN model, the industry standard compact device model for GaN semiconductor devices.

GaN technology is becoming commonplace in today's high-power RF communication circuits and automotive electronic components. Modeling these devices is challenging due to the impact of trapping and thermal effects on the device electrical characteristics. Existing GaAs models have been used as a first attempt to model GaN devices, but they are not accurate enough. The Angelov-GaN model, developed by Professor IItcho Angelov at Chalmers University of Technology, is quickly establishing itself as the industry's solution to this dilemma.

Agilent's W8533 Angelov-GaN extraction package, which is part of the IC-CAP platform, was developed in conjunction with industry partners and validated on real GaN processes. It provides a dedicated software environment that allows users to perform the necessary measurements and extraction of the Angelov-GaN model. Typical DC and network analyzers are supported for making DC and S-parameter measurements and de-embedding. A convenient interface lets users execute a step-by-step extraction flow to obtain the model parameters. A turnkey flow provides quick start modeling of GaN devices. The package also enables complete customization to optimize the flow to different technology flavors of GaN processes. Simulations are performed using Agilent's Advanced Design System.

IC-CAP 2013.01 also features a new Python programming environment that is up to 100 times faster for typical tasks such as parameter extraction, data analysis, instrument control and interface responsiveness. It enables better code organization and provides an extensive set of libraries for math, instrument control and statistical analysis. With IC-CAP Python, users gain major efficiency when developing their programs. Python programs are interoperable with existing programs, ensuring compatibility with ongoing IC-CAP projects.

"As the leading provider of RF device characterization and modeling, Agilent continues to make bold improvements to our IC-CAP product," said Roberto Tinti, device modeling product manager with Agilent EEsof EDA. "This release represents a major milestone, as Python greatly improves an engineer's ability to learn and get the most out of IC-CAP. We continue to lead the way in high-frequency modeling with our Angelov-GaN extraction package."

Other new features in IC-CAP 2013 .01 include support of Smartspice simulations and support for gain compression and two-tone intermodulation distortion measurements with Agilent's PNA-X network analyzer. This is a critical capability since nonlinear device characterization is essential to verifying model accuracy in real applications. Another part of the platform, IC-CAP WaferPro (a powerful automated on-wafer measurement solution), now features usability and user interface enhancements to facilitate test-plan development.


IC-CAP 2013.01 will be available for download in January at For more information please visit

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Test & Measurement