World's First Vehicle Positioning System that Eliminates GPS Blackspots

Cohda Wireless has released the first vehicle positioning system that eliminates GPS blackspots in “Urban Canyons” between high-rise buildings.

The V2X-Locate system uses Cohda’s expertise in developing collision avoidance systems for mines. The vehicle-based system can identify vehicle position to sub-metre accuracy in environments that degrade GPS accuracy, such as tunnels, underground carparks and between high-rise buildings. As well as enhancing current connected vehicles, V2X-Locate delivers a critical component for Connected Autonomous Vehicles, which will require uninterrupted positioning data to safely navigate on roads.

Although GPS (Global Positioning System) navigation systems have revolutionised transport during the past decade, they can suffer from degraded accuracy in locations with compromised sky views, such as “Urban Canyons” formed by high-rise buildings, underground carparks and tunnels. Cohda has designed V2X-Locate to enable equipped vehicles to identify their location using existing Smart City V2X (Vehicle-to-everything) roadside infrastructure from any standards-based manufacturer.

Adelaide-based Cohda Wireless has already demonstrated the efficacy and accuracy of its V2X-Locate system in a 2017 trial in New York City where it repeatedly demonstrated sub-metre accuracy while driving along Sixth Avenue, which has the tallest buildings in the Big Apple. Comparable GPS-based systems were as much as tens of metres off-course, at times showing cars driving through buildings.

Both Cohda’s standard V2X Onboard Units and Roadside Units utilise the NXP RoadLINK chipset, which supports V2X-Locate’s highly accurate performance by delivering best-in-class multi-path channel tracking. Click here to know more.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   GNSS