Presto Joins GLOBALFOUNDRIES Ecosystem as Worldwide ASIC Partner

Semiconductor product engineering and supply chain company, Presto Engineering has joined GLOBALFOUNDRIES ecosystem of partners that provides services from conception to production.

As a GLOBALSOLUTIONS Ecosystem (GF’ ecosystem) partner, Presto will provide its post-silicon engineering and production turnkey solutions based upon GF’s technologies and services for customers across the globe. The partnership will focus on specialized testing and packaging, leveraging Presto’s extensive mixed-signal, radio frequency (RF) and analog test expertise to deliver system-level differentiation in semiconductors for GF’s advanced process technologies.

Presto’s services -- including package development, test solutions implementation and production, qualification and supply chain management -- allow customers to reduce development time and risks through customizing industry-standard capabilities, choosing from a number of design platforms at GF. For higher-volume applications, customers can work with Presto to develop and source fully custom system-on-chips (SoCs).

GF’s GLOBALSOLUTIONS ecosystem provides chip designers with experienced design enablement and turnkey services from chip design, methodology, test and packaging that enable customers to bring today's complex integrated circuits to market. It combines the company’s internal resources with a broad spectrum of partners to efficiently enable the fastest time-to-volume for foundry customers.

Publisher: everything RF