Gap Wireless to Distribute inUAVi Drone RF Monitoring Technology in Canada & US

Gap Wireless has entered into a reseller agreement for the distribution of inUAVi’s solutions in Canada & U.S. inUAVi is an innovator in the drone radio frequency (RF) monitor and sensor market. Gap Wireless will stock and distribute inUAVi's Network Quality Sensor for aerial measurements, a solution that uses sensors integrated with drones to help mobile network operators maintain peak performance for their customers.

inUAVi's Network Quality Sensor uses proprietary technology to replicate what customers are experiencing, identify transmission gaps and signal issues, and determine the cause so problems can be addressed. Data is collected and relayed in real time to the drone operator from an application integrated with the drone's operating system, a vast improvement on previous solutions that relied on heavy ground-based instrumentation strapped onto a drone with no real-time data delivery.

inUAVi continues to transform the way data is collected by drones, making it possible for real time adjustments to wireless networks based on more accurate measurements. Its autonomous system creates a visual representation of network performance in real-time, identifying dead spots, overlapping beams and competing physical channels to determine the root cause and source of signal issues. The system can also characterize antennas for proper alignment, often eliminating the need for inspection teams to climb towers.

The lightweight, highly-integrated and portable applications run on common iOS platforms, automating previously complex measurements. The proprietary radio modules process signals in commonly used WCDMA and LTE bands, providing spectrum data, channel power, and other key measurements that can be collected and relayed to ground stations in real time.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   DistributorDrones