Trimble has announced that its Catalyst™ software-defined Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver for Android phones and tablets has been updated to support GLONASS. The update demonstrates the advantages of software GNSS for delivering new functionality faster and easier.
Access to the GLONASS constellation increases the number of GNSS satellites visible when working in the field. As a result, it improves the ability to maintain lock on enough satellites to keep working when sky visibility is limited or obstructed, such as under tree canopy and in urban high-rise environments. Users also spend less time waiting for the receiver to achieve an accurate position; convergence time is faster and more reliable.
Trimble Catalyst provides users with Positioning-as-a-Service to collect highly accurate location data with Trimble or third-party apps on Android smartphones and tablets. When combined with a small, lightweight, plug-and-play DA1 digital antenna and Catalyst subscription, the receiver provides on-demand GNSS positioning capabilities, and transforms consumer devices into centimeter-accurate mobile data collection systems.
Trimble Catalyst is available through Trimble's Geospatial Distribution Partners.