Trimble RTX Correction Technology Provides Positioning Accuracy Better than Two Centimeters

Trimble has announced that its Trimble RTX GNSS corrections technology can now achieve horizontal accuracies of better than two centimeters. Start-up times, commonly referred to as convergence, have also improved. Users can now achieve full accuracy in less than 15 minutes, and as fast as one minute, in select areas where RTX Fast network infrastructure is available.

This performance is achievable using Trimble's premier correction service, CenterPoint RTX, delivering RTK-level accuracy outside traditional Virtual Reference Station (VRS) networks, considered the gold standard for high-accuracy corrections. Trimble RTX provides unprecedented performance from a satellite-delivered correction source. In addition, corrections are available via an Internet or cellular connection, making it one of the most versatile services available today.

With satellite-delivered Trimble RTX corrections, users can perform a variety of positioning fieldwork in some of the most remote locations, without relying on traditional ground-based VRS networks or a local RTK base station to receive high-accuracy positioning data. By simply powering on an RTX-capable receiver or display, customers can start working quickly with only a minimal convergence period. As long as the user has line of sight to the sky they can work freely without being constrained by the geographic boundaries of a VRS network.

Offering a suite of correction services, Trimble RTX provides users the flexibility to choose the level of accuracy to suit their application needs from meter to centimeter level. It is an ideal correction solution for a variety of applications including agriculture, survey, mapping, construction, automotive and any location-based service that could benefit from greater precision. It also powers Trimble xFill technology, a feature that enables RTK and VRS users to continue working if their primary correction stream is not available. xFill, delivered via satellite, "fills in" for RTK corrections in the event of temporary radio or Internet connection outages. As a result, users can experience fewer interruptions and less downtime.

Trimble's RTX network is currently available throughout most of the world, with the RTX-Fast network coverage available in select geographies in the U.S., Canada and throughout most of Europe, when using Trimble RTX compatible GNSS receivers.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   GNSS


  • Country: United States
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