Sierra Wireless LPWA Modules Certified for LTE-M/NB-IoT Networks in Japan and USA

The AirPrime HL78 LTE-M/NB-IoT embedded wireless modules from Sierra Wireless are now certified to operate on both KDDI’s LTE-M network in Japan and AT&T’s LTE-M network in the US.

Sierra Wireless’ modules provide exceptional low-power performance that will dramatically extend battery life and enable many new applications on KDDI’s LTE-M network. These certifications pave the way for Sierra’s LPWA customers to support large-scale IoT deployments in smart energy, tracking, industrial asset management, home security, patient monitoring, wearables and any other application requiring low power and extended coverage.

Advantages of LTE-M and NB-IoT compared to traditional cellular connectivity options include:

  • Longer battery life targeting up to 10 years
  • Superior coverage for IoT devices underground and deep inside buildings
  • Reduced module and deployment cost.

Sierra Wireless’ HL78 embedded modules use the ALT1250 radio baseband chipset from strategic partner Altair. AirPrime HL78 modules deliver best-in-class power performance, extending the life of battery-operated devices by 5-10 times compared to other available LTE-M/NB-IoT modules. This new level of ultra-low power consumption, with improved wake-up and sleep mode responsiveness, makes HL78 the module of choice for any power-constrained IoT application.

In addition to low-power performance unique to the HL78 design, the modules integrate GNSS tracking capability, security and an embedded SIM in a new compact CF3 size (18mm x15mm) that is pin-to-pin compatible with other HL Series modules. Customers have the flexibility to deploy the same device on global LTE-M (Cat-M1/eMTC) and NB-IoT (Cat-NB1) networks, with support for more than 20 LTE frequency bands in addition to optional 2G fallback. Built-in security, including HTTPS, secure socket, secure boot and free unlimited firmware over-the-air (FOTA) updates from the AirVantage device management IoT Platform, helps customers ensure HL78 deployments are future-proof and secure.

Click here to learn more about AirPrime HL78 module.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   LTELPWA