New GNSS Antenna for the L2 Band with Centimetre Level Accuracy

Antenova has developed a new SMD antenna for positioning applications that achieves an extraordinary level of accuracy in the GNSS bands – it can be used to pinpoint a location to within centimetres.

The Raptor (SR4G053) antenna utilizes the L2, 1200 MHz satellite band which recently became available for civilian use. It is the latest addition to Antenova’s lamiiANT range of rigid FR4 antennas which are designed for easy insertion onto a PCB.

The antenna itself is very small – it is a GPS single feed antenna in SMD form, measuring just 16.0 x 8.0 x 1.6 mm, which makes it suitable for small PCBs within all kinds of small electronic devices. Raptor is supplied in Tape and Reel for ease in high volume manufacturing applications.

The addition of the L2 frequency band combines multi-band satellite signal reception and GNSS correction data. This helps to mitigate position errors, greatly improving accuracy, especially in urban areas. As well as improving tracking, the L2 band is beneficial for UAV’s, Drones, Autonomous Vehicles, Agriculture, grid mapping and many other similar emerging applications.

Antenova will be showing samples of the Raptor antenna at CES 2019.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaGNSS


  • Country: United Kingdom
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