Skyworks’ Mobile IoT SiP Wins IoT Breakthrough Award

The SKY66430-11, a Mobile IoT system-in-package (SiP) from Skyworks has won the “IoT Semiconductor Product of the Year” award by IoT Breakthrough.

The award follows Skyworks’ recent accolades from Mobile Breakthrough for “GPS-based Solutions of the Year” and “Small Cell Technology Innovation of the Year” recognizing their GNSS low-noise amplifier front-end modules and family of small cell power amplifiers, respectively.

IoT Breakthrough is an independent organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global IoT market.  Skyworks’ innovation was selected from more than 3,500 nominations representing companies all over the world.  Awards were evaluated by an autonomous panel of experienced IoT professionals.

The SKY66430-11, which integrates Sequans’ Monarch LTE-M/NB-IoT chip, provides a fully certified all-in-one solution that incorporates the entire RF front-end, transceiver, power management, memory and baseband modem for IoT applications.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   SiPIoT