AWR Announces a Full Slate of Activities For EuMW 2013

AWR Corporation has announced a full slate of activities that they will offer during EuMW 2013 in Nuremberg, Germany from the 7th to the 11th of October.  These include Select software demonstrations to MicroApps to an EU User Group Meeting as well as a PA design lunch and learn with Cree and a Customer Appreciation happy hour with National Instruments are all in the works. 

AWR Software Demonstrations

Within AWR’s booth #126 at European Microwave Week 2013 (EuMW 2013), a variety of software demonstrations will be showcased. A select set include:

1. Microwave Office® Design Environment Showcasing a Cree Class F PA Design

2. Analyst™ 3D FEM EM Simulation Featuring a Preview of V11 Custom PCell Generation for Microwave Connectors

3. Visual System Simulator™ Featuring an Enhanced Radar Library and Novel RFP™ Radio Frequency Planning Wizard

4. AWR Connected™ to National Instruments:

    - LabVIEW Co-Simulation for PA Design With DPD, Characterization, and Test

    - 802.11ac Communication Standard Library IP Sharing for Design and Test

AWR/NI MicroApps Presentations

AWR and its parent company of National Instruments will present seven MicroApps at the EuMW 2013 MicroApps Theater (Stand #109) throughout the week. The MicroApps presentations are designed to provide attendees with deeper technical insight into AWR/National Instruments tools and technologies.  Presentation titles include:

1. Understanding the Relationship Between Noise Figure, IP3, and Error Vector Magnitude

2. Mixed RF-Digital Framework for Power Amplifier Digital Predistortion

3. Design and Simulation of Radar Systems and Phased Arrays

4. Design Methodology for GaAs MMIC PA

5. Design and Optimization of 3D Connectors

6. Frequency Planning Synthesis for Wireless Systems Design

7. Distributed Lowpass Filter Synthesis Made Easy

AWR European User Group Meeting

AWR will also host its European User (EU) Group Meeting on Tuesday, October 8 at EuMW  2013, Nuremberg Convention Center, Krakau Room, Level 2 from 9:30 am – 16:15 (4:15) pm. The event is intended for the AWR EU community as well as for those wishing to learn more about AWR software products, technologies, and solutions. The agenda consists of presentations and software demonstrations given by AWR customers, partners, and the AWR EU team of technical experts. The full agenda and registration details are available at

AWR/CREE PA Design Lunch and Learn

The AWR/CREE PA Design Lunch and Learn workshop will be held on Thursday, October 10 beginning at 12:00 pm at the InterCity Hotel Nuremberg (located at the Nuremberg railway station).  Attendees will gain insight into designing power amplifiers using Cree GaN HEMTs in the AWR Microwave Office environment. A number of specific topics will be covered, including the use of Cree's new 6-port models.

AWR/NI Customer Appreciation Happy Hour

Additionally an AWR/NI Customer Appreciation Booth Happy Hour on Tuesday, October 8 in Booth #126, beginning at 16:30 (4:30) pm will take place. EuMW 2013 attendees are invited to visit the booth area, relax and network with fellow RF/microwave engineers while enjoying a light snack and beverages as well as NI’s RF/microwave themed "Jeopardy" game show.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   SoftwareEuMW 2013