Keysight Using Virtual Environments to Test New 5G Technologies

Keysight has announced the successful completion of the international research project Virtuoso, which focused on using virtualized environments for communication system development and optimization. Virtuoso, funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark, was jointly established by Keysight Technologies, Intel Mobile Communications Denmark ApS, Telenor Denmark A/S, and Aalborg University, in 2014 to trial new 5G technologies.

Keysight’s Virtual Drive Testing (VDT) Toolset, which uses Keysight’s PROPSIM channel emulator to replicate complex real-world radio channel conditions and impairments, was developed as part of Virtuoso. The project provided a lab-based and field-realistic benchmarking methodology that streamlines modem design, integration, verification, and network feature rollout, enabling research partners Intel Mobile Communications Denmark and Telenor Denmark to trial new technologies.

In 2016, project Virtuoso helped accelerate the first-to-market commercial release of Keysight’s VDT Toolset for simulated networks, which is the only tool used as part of China Mobile’s test plan to verify mobile device performance in high-speed train scenarios. The mandated test plan requires suppliers to demonstrate device performance under challenging mobility conditions prior to market introduction, which helps improve end-user quality of experience.

Keysight’s VDT Toolset also enabled Telenor to benchmark LTE mobile devices and base stations to establish a systematic, realistic and repeatable test in a lab-based environment. In addition, Intel Mobile Communications Denmark validated Keysight’s fading replay technology, and Aalborg University, collaborating with Keysight, developed state-of-the-art map-based channel models for 5G in support of key 5G use cases. For additional information about Keysight's 5G solutions, click here.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   5G