New Software Features Full GNSS Tilt Compensation functionality for Construction Surveyors

New Software Features Full GNSS Tilt Compensation functionality for Construction Surveyors

Trimble, a leading innovator of GNSS solutions for civil engineering and construction has launched its Siteworks Software version 1.1, featuring the full GNSS tilt compensation functionality in standing, walking and vehicle modes, and support for the Android operating system. Construction surveyors can now capture accurate points without levelling the pole, making surveying in areas such as building corners accurate, fast and easy. In addition, Siteworks version 1.1 now supports the Android operating system, giving contractors the flexibility to choose the field device that best fits their needs and budget.

The announcement was made at Bauma 2019, the world's leading trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment.

GNSS tilt compensation makes site positioning more accessible and easier to learn for beginners, while experienced surveyors can see significant time savings. In addition, Trimble Siteworks gives contractors more choices. They can run Siteworks on either Windows 10 or Android.

GNSS Tilt Compensation

Using Trimble Siteworks and a Trimble SPS986 GNSS Smart Antenna, construction surveyors can take measurements faster and perform more efficient stakeouts. In addition, the solution was designed to shield magnetic interference, and it can be used effectively anywhere on a construction site. There are three modes available that support tilt compensation, so contractors can record accurate points while standing, walking or driving the site in a vehicle. Tilt compensation in vehicle mode is designed to capture higher accuracy measurements on steeper slopes from a moving vehicle, and more accurate volume measurements to save time and money on material planning.

Easy to use for beginners and users without traditional training, tilt compensation allows points to be recorded more safely, eliminating the need to stand on the road to measure a traffic lane, for example. Surveyors can also measure points that they couldn't before, such as building corners, edges of trenches and utility flowlines.

Trimble Siteworks for Android

Trimble Siteworks can now support a contractor's Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategy with Android compatibility. This is ideal for price-conscious users such as owner operators and utility contractors, or users who need a less rugged solution for lighter use. This gives contractors the freedom to choose the device that works best for them, increasing the flexibility and affordability of the Trimble Siteworks Positioning System.


Trimble Siteworks Software version 1.1 is expected to be available through the worldwide SITECH® distribution channel in the second quarter of 2019. 

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   SoftwareGNSS


  • Country: United States
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