Akoustis to Deliver Five New S-Band Filters for a Radar Defense Program

Akoustis to Deliver Five New S-Band Filters for a Radar Defense Program

Akoustis Technologies, an integrated device manufacturer (IDM) of patented bulk acoustic wave (BAW) high-band RF filters for mobile and other wireless applications, has announced that it has received a new purchase order from a defense customer for the development of five new S-Band filters. These new filters operate within the S-Band frequency spectrum (2 to 4 GHz) and are aligned with the Company’s filter developments supporting 5G.

Akoustis recently completed development of its 3.8 GHz filter with a new outsourced packaging supplier—improving the scale and delivery of XBAW filter product to its defense customer. With recent shipments against multiple open 3.8 GHz orders, this customer is now expanding its relationship with Akoustis with the order for five new S-Band frequencies.

Akoustis will begin to recognize development revenue in the near term and is expected to deliver samples of the new filters in the second half of CY19. Production is expected to ramp in CY20.  The new filter designs will be integrated into receiver modules for multi-element, active phased array radar (PAR) systems. The 3.8 GHz filter is designed and manufactured using the Company’s patented XBAW process and manufactured in the Company’s Si-MEMS Wafer Fab located in Canandaigua, NY.

Akoustis has introduced several new filters over the past twelve months including a 5.6 GHz WiFi filter, a 5.2 GHz WiFi filter, a 3.8 GHz filter for defense phased-array radar applications, a 3.6 GHz filter for the CBRS infrastructure market and Band 25 downlink and uplink filters for LTE infrastructure. The Company is also developing several new filters for the sub 7 GHz bands targeting 5G mobile device, network infrastructure, WiFi CPE and defense markets.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   FilterRadarBAWS Band


  • Country: United States
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