Russia & China to Cooperate on GLONASS and BeiDou Usage

Russia & China to Cooperate on GLONASS and BeiDou Usage

The Russian Federation Council, at a recent plenary session, has officially validated the agreement with China under which the countries will co-operate on using their respective satellite navigation systems, i.e. Russia’s GLONASS and China’s BeiDou, for peaceful purposes. The intergovernmental agreement was previously signed in Beijing on November 7, 2018 during the 23rd regular meeting between the Head of the Government of Russia and the Head of the Government of China.

The agreement creates the organizational and legal basis for the cooperation in developing and manufacturing civil navigation equipment using GLONASS and BeiDou systems, as well as developing Russo-Chinese standards on implementing navigation technologies using both systems including standards on controlling and managing transport flows crossing the Russo-Chinese border. For instance, the agreement stipulates placing GLONASS and BeiDou measurement stations in Russia and in China on a reciprocal basis.

Russia’s GLONASS is a space-based global navigation satellite system that provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to users on a continuous worldwide basis freely available to all. GLONASS receivers compute their position in the GLONASS Reference System using satellite technology and based on triangulation principles. It is an alternative and complementary to other GNSS systems such as the USA’s Global Positioning System (GPS), the Chinese BeiDou navigation system or the planned Galileo positioning system of the European Union (EU). Each GLONASS system Space Vehicle (SV) GLONASS and GLONASS-M transmits navigational radio signals on fundamental frequencies in two frequency sub-bands (L1 ~ 1, 6 GHz, L2 ~ 1, 25 GHz). Click here to view the GLONASS Frequency Bands.

China’s BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS), also known as BeiDou-2, is China’s second-generation satellite navigation system that will be capable of providing positioning, navigation, and timing services to users on a continuous worldwide basis.. Although the evolution of its regional navigation system towards a global solution started in 1997, the formal approval by the Government of the development and deployment of BDS System was done in 2006 and it is expected to provide global navigation services by 2020, similarly to the GPS, GLONASS or Galileo systems. Click here to view BeiDou Frequency Bands.

Click here to view GLONASS modules from leading companies.

Click here to view BeiDou modules from leading companies.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   GNSS