RF Industries Introduces Splitters, Couplers and Loads that Reduce PIM for DAS Applications

RF IndustriesRF Industries who are better known for Connectors and Cable Assemblies have recently launched a new range of splitters, couplers and terminations for Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) where low PIM is a requirement. RF Industries manufactures a line of low PIM power splitters, hybrid couplers and terminations/loads. Splitters and couplers have a PIM3 rating of less than or equal to -155dBc with an operating frequency range of 698-2700 MHz. The power splitters are available in 2 way, 3 way or 4 way configurations and, along with the 3 dB hybrid coupler, feature N female connectors. Termination/loads have a PIM3 rating of less than or equal to -110dBc and are available in 30 watt or 50 watt configurations with N male connectors.

You can see these products on everything RF:

Power Dividers from RF Industries

Hybrid Coupler from RF Industries

Terminations from RF Industries

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   PIM