QuinStar to Showcase its Cryogenic Products at Upcoming APS Event

QuinStar to Showcase its Cryogenic Products at Upcoming APS Event

QuinStar Technology, a developer and producer of customized assemblies and subsystems, will feature its cryogenic product line at the American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting from March 2 to 4, booth #701, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. The APS (American Physical Society) is a nonprofit membership organization working to advance the knowledge of physics. The event in March will draw more than 10,000 attendees to Denver for the event.

QuinStar cryogenic circulators, isolators, and arrays offer exceptional broadband performance down to the mK range. These components support applications such as quantum computing, radio astronomy, STM research, particle physics research, and electron spin resonance measurement systems.

With this extensive experience, QuinStar is continuously offering state-of-the-art performance while trimming component size to stay ahead of emerging requirements. Further, their arrays are stacked and individually tuned for optimal performance and compact size. Additionally, the Company also offers three shielding options to meet the application requirements.

A design engineer will be on hand to discuss requirements and to show what he is currently working on for Quinstar’s cryogenic product line. QuinStar’s products include standard catalog components; specialized high-performance active and passive components; and fully integrated and customized assemblies and subsystems.

If you would like to meet with QuinStart to learn more about their Cryogenic profile of work with them on a product - Click here to pick a time to meet with them.

Click here to know more about Quinstar’s cryogenic product line.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   IsolatorCirculatorCryogenic