The Highest Data-Rate Satellite Modem in a CubeSat-Compatible Package

The Highest Data-Rate Satellite Modem in a CubeSat-Compatible Package

Advantech Wireless Technologies has announced the launch of its LiteWave Modem, the industry’s highest data-rate satellite modem in a CubeSat ready footprint. It supports a variety of electrical interfaces and communication protocols, ensuring compatibility with all CubeSat & SmallSat ecosystems. 

This CCSDS-compliant, DVB-S2/S2X modem is software-defined and is specifically designed for extremely low-SWaP applications, be it Satcom-on-the-move (SOTM), UAVs or satellites. The modem includes a protocol-agnostic mode where any type and format of data can be transmitted and received transparently. DVB-S2/S2X, the most spectrally-efficient waveform available, provides 2-3 times the throughput of Viterbi/Reed-Solomon or similar throughput with much lower transmit power.

The Viterbi/Reed-Solomon and DVB-S2/S2X implementations support the CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) protocol, so existing CCSDS solutions can be upgraded to use DVB-S2/S2X without the need to change any data processing on the satellite or on the ground. Its onboard H.265 image/video compression engine ensures maximum efficiency of data downloads from imaging payloads on airborne and space-based platforms.

Key Features of LiteWave Modem:
  • Data rates up to 1Gbps
  • Modulations up to 1024QAM
  • Direct VHF/UHF/IF/L/S/C-band support
  • DVB-S2 & DVB-S2X waveforms
  • CCSDS Viterbi-RS & CCSDS DVB-S/S2/S2X
  • H.265 image & video compression
  • 128GB payload mass storage option
  • Data interfaces: Gigabit Ethernet, LVDS, SDI/ASI, USB3, SpaceWire, RS485, UART, CAN, I2C & SPI
  • Can host third-party apps (5G/IoT/edge computing/cloud computing, etc.)
  • Radiation tolerant option
  • Unique DVB-S2/S2X OQPSK option for low transmit power
  • Transmit pre-distortion (reduces required power)
  • -40ºC to +85ºC operation

Click here for more information on this product.

Advantech Wireless Technologies is showcasing this product and other products at the SATELLITE 2020 event in Washington DC from 10-12 March, 2020. Click here to see everything RF's coverage of the event.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Satellite