The Downconverter from Crane Aerospace is a Downconverter that operates from 2 to 18 GHz. It has an IF frequency from 3 to 5 GHz and delivers a noise figure of 11 dB with an attenuation range of 25 dB (0.5 dB step). This down-converter incorporates advanced features such as integrated sub-band filtering, amplification and attenuation within the package. It achieves exceptional signal fidelity through the use of high-performance mixers and amplifiers and also by the careful selection of drive levels and frequency characteristics.
The Multi-channel downconverter features internal built-in test functions and an optional LNA can be placed at the front of this converter to improve the noise figure. It provides a spurious level of -60 dBc (In-Band) and -78 dBc (Out of Band). This downconverter module has advanced control features which are provided through an independent BIT controller.
It is available in a surface mount design and can also be offered in a 3U VPX form factor. The module consumes less than 12.5 W of power and has an operating temperature range of -40 to 70 °C.