The LTC5549 from Analog Devices is a general-purpose passive double balanced mixer that can be used as an upconverter or downconverter. It has an RF frequency of 2 to 14 GHz and the IF port is optimized for 500 MHz to 6 GHz operation. The integrated LO buffer amplifier supports LO frequencies from 1 to 12 GHz, requiring only 0 dBm LO power. The mixer delivers high IIP3 and input P1dB with low power consumption. It has an integrated LO frequency doubler that can be enabled by a CMOS-compatible digital control pin, allowing operation with a lower LO input frequency. It is available in a 2 x 3 mm surface mount package and is ideal for microwave transceivers, wireless backhaul, phased-array antennas, test equipment and radar applications.