The TC6000GN from GNS Electronics is a GPS (L1) receiver module that is designed for navigation, timing and location based applications. It has an integrated RF frontend that minimizes error in multi-path environments through an increased IF bandwidth and higher sampling rates in tracking channels. The module has a hot start of less than 10 s and a cold start of less than 45 s. It has an acquisition sensitivity of -146 dBm and a navigation and tracking sensitivity of -162 dBm.
The module requires a DC supply of 1.8 V and can be controlled via a UART interface. It supports APM (adapted power management) schemes to lower the average power of the GPS core. The TC6000GN is available in a 36-pin module that measures 10 x 9.3 x 2 mm and is ideal for in-vehicle Navigation equipment, dynamic navigation, portable devices, netbooks, tablet PCs and mobile phones, precision timing via GPS, GPS logger, GPS tracker, security devices, and camera equipment applications.