The PA 306 SMA from Langer EMV-Technik is an EMC Pre-Amplifier that operates from 100 kHz to 6 GHz. It provides a gain of 30 dB with a noise figure of 3 dB and a P1dB of -20 dBm. The amplifier provides a low noise output and high dynamic scope over the operating frequency range. It amplifies weak measurement signals, for example from near-field probes or antennas. The amplifier requires a DC Supply of 12 V and consumes 100 mA of current with the power supplied to the module via a plug-in power supply unit.
The PA 306 SMA can be used with the 50-ohm input of a spectrum analyzer or oscilloscope. It is available in a module that measures 50 x 38 x 13 mm and has SMA connectors.