The RFE-24M30M075X+ from Mini-Circuits is a Solid-State Power Amplifier Module that operates at 27.12 MHz. It generates four equal output signals from one input signal and delivers an output power of 19 W (each) with a power gain of more than 13 dB and an efficiency of 55%. This amplifier uses state-of-the-art high ruggedness semiconductor technology and is capable of amplifying CW and pulsed signals. It has integrated harmonic filtering to ensure harmonics of -10 dBc and the final stages receive a clean drive signal. The amplifier is designed to drive high-power 27 MHz amplifiers and can be used in a wide range of industrial, scientific, and medical applications to generate 5 kW of power in only two amplifier stages.
The RFE-24M30M075X+ requires a DC supply from 50 to 66 V and includes a temperature-compensated gate bias circuit to correct bias offsets resulting due to changes in temperature. It is available in a module that measures 202 x 118 x 28 mm with SMA connectors and is ideal for material processing, food processing, industrial heating, chemistry, disinfection, RF-excited lasers, semiconductor RF generators, plasma surface treatment, plasma generation, and medical applications.