The ZX60-R5183P+ from Mini-Circuits is a Positive Gain Slope Amplifier that operates from 0.5 to 18 GHz. It provides a gain of more than 5 dB with a typical gain slope of 3 dB and has an output P1dB of up to 11.5 dBm. This gain block has a noise figure of 4.5 dB and provides an OIP3 power of 20.5 dBm. It supports a wide range of sensitive, high-dynamic range receiver applications and many systems where high performance over wideband is needed. The gain block requires a DC supply of 5 V and consumes less than 68 mA of current.
The ZX60-R5183P+ is available in a rugged module that measures 0.74 x 0.75 x 0.46 inches with SMA-female connectors. It is ideal for microwave point-to-point radios, SATCOM, military EW, radar, and C-band Satcom applications.