The HMC8192 from Analog Devices is a passive I/Q MMIC mixer with an RF/LO frequency from 20 to 42 GHz and an IF frequency from DC to 5 GHz. It can either be used as an image reject mixer for receiver operations or as a single sideband upconverter for transmitter operations. This mixer is ideal for applications requiring wide frequency range, excellent RF performance, and a simpler design with fewer parts and a smaller printed circuit board (PCB) footprint. A single HMC8192 can replace multiple narrowband mixers in a design.
The mixer has a conversion loss of 8.5 dB and a high LO/RF Isolation of 45 dB. The mixer can handle an input power of up to 24 dBm and has an image rejection of 25 dB. It is available in a compact 4 mm x 4 mm, 24-lead LFCSP package and is ideal for military, aerospace, defense, point-to-point base stations, test and measurement instrumentation applications. The mixer operates over a temperature range of &minus40°C to +85°C. An evaluation board for this mixer is also available.