The SAC3512 from SuperApex Corporation is an MMIC Double-Balanced Mixer with an RF/LO frequency from 24 to 40 GHz and an IF frequency from DC to 10 GHz. It can be used as both an up-converter and down-converter and requires no external components or matching circuitry. This mixer has a conversion loss of less than 12 dB and an LO power of 13 dBm. It provides an LO to RF isolation of 40 dB and an LO to IF/RF to IFF isolation of 30 dB.
The SAC3512 is available in a package that measures 0.61 x 0.92 x 0.1 mm and is ideal for use in microwave radio including point-to-point communication, telecommunication, weather radar, optical communication, test instrumentation, SATCOM, VSAT, military and aerospace applications. The chip is available with full passivation for increased reliability and moisture protection.