The ZXF90-3-223-K+ from Mini-Circuits is a 3x Frequency Multiplier that converts input frequencies of 3.33 to 7.33 to output frequencies of 10 to 22 GHz. It has a conversion loss of less than 21.5 dB and a harmonic suppression of 25 to 65 dBc. This frequency multiplier is based on GaAs HBT process and can handle an input power of +12 to +18 dBm. It is available in a rugged compact housing that measures 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.37 inches and has SMA-Female & 2.92 mm-Male connectors. This frequency multiplier is ideal for satellite communications (X-, Ku-, Ka-band), test & measurement equipment, radar, EW, and ECM defense system applications.