The ZT-392 from Mini-Circuits is a 4x4-way Power Divider/Combiner assembly that operates from 0.6 to 6 GHz. It can handle a CW input power of up to 30 W, provides more than 16 dB of isolation and has an insertion loss of less than 1.6 dB. This power divider/combiner assembly has a panel-mounted structure that provides clean, organized management of cables and connections in complex, high-volume test setups. It allows the integration of multiple connector adapters, power splitters, directional couplers, and other essential RF components and test accessories into a compact panel requiring only 1U of rack space. The orientation of the connectors support straight-through connections within the rack, with ports 1-4 of each splitter on the front panel and the sum ports accessible from the rear.
The ZT-392 is available in a 1U rackmount enclosure that measures 19.00 x 1.73 x 4.88 inches with SMA-female connectors and is suitable for production test setups, SATCOM signal distribution and cellular test applications.