The miniRAFS from Safran is a Rubidium Atomic Frequency Source with an operating frequency of 60 MHz (Main) and 10 MHz (Auxiliary). It provides an output signal level of 7 dBm and has a frequency accuracy of better than 2 x 10-10. The frequency source has a phase noise of -135 dBc/Hz (@100 kHz offset), spurious levels of better than -60 dB and harmonics of -30 dBc. It is a complete atomic clock within a very small volume. This space-qualified source can be complemented on request with an Electronic Power Conditioning “EPC” unit that includes a DC/DC converter and an electrical interface to the satellite. The EPC design could be adapted for specific satellite requirements.
The miniRAFS is a complete Rubidium clock module which consists of a voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO) and is locked to a highly stable atomic transition in the ground state of the Rb87 isotope. It operates over a digital supply voltage from 3.5 to 5 V or over an analog supply voltage from 15.5 to 16.6 V and consumes less than 10 W of power during nominal operation. The frequency source is available in a compact enclosure with SMA connectors and is suitable for use in deep space missions, secure satellite communications, tracking and guidance control, earth observation satellites, science missions and advanced low satellite orbit digital communication.