The IZT C3040 from IZT is a Satellite Link Emulator that operates up to 3 GHz with an instantaneous bandwidth of 100 MHz. It can simulate uplink, payload and downlink effects on the signal such as delay and delay change over time, Doppler shift, interference by other signals, multiplexer filtering, phase noise, large and small scale fading, and thermal noise. Users can also simulate the time-dispersive effect of the ionosphere both on uplink and downlink transmissions and easily alter the conditions of the ionosphere while the simulation is running. For complex set-ups such as GNSS simulation, multiple IZT C3040 devices can be accurately synchronized.
This channel simulator has exceptional signal quality, a large dynamic range and supports an accurate phase noise simulation with up to 10 MHz bandwidth. This device can be used to create realistic complex and reproducible scenarios to test flight and ground systems such as LEO, GEO, and MEO satellites, UAVs, modems, transmitters, and receivers as well as telemetry tracking and ranging verification.