The AM3170 from Mercury is a Tunable Notch Filter Bank that operates from 6.0 to 18.0 GHz. It has six notch filters integrated with an SP6T switch at the input and output and has a band switching speed of 1 μs. This analog filter bank has an insertion loss of less than 7 dB and a notch depth of 40 dB. It has a tuning voltage range from 0 to 8 V which provides control of notch frequency, and a bypass path is provided by applying a 0.0 V control voltage while switching to band 1. The filter bank requires a DC supply of 5 V, consumes 20 mA of current, and dissipates less than 100 mW of power.
The AM3170 is available in a surface-mount QFN package that measures 10 x 10 mm and is ideal for use in receivers or transceivers requiring flexible center frequency removal, high dynamic range, low insertion loss, and small size, weight, and power consumption (low SWAP) applications.