The S5085 is a 2-Port Vector Network Analyzer from Copper Mountain Technologies that operates from 9 KHz to 8.5 GHz. It can measure all four S parameters S11, S12, S21, S22 and provides a wide variety of analysis capabilities, including time-domain with gating and frequency offset modes. This lab grade VNA is available in a compact package and can be controlled with a Windows or Linux based PC, laptop, tablet, or x86 board computer connected to the measurement hardware via a USB interface.
Collection of metrology-grade S-parameter test results can be achieved manually or through automation in Python, MATLAB, Excel, C++ or LabVIEW. It uses CMT's S2 software that can be installed on multiple computers, making it easy to share the use of the analyzer measurement module.
This portable 1.7 kg/60 oz. vector network analyzer can be battery powered and used in the field, in the laboratory, and in production testing. The VNA can be integrated into a production test system via Manufacturing Test plug-in.