The AT-8MIX-75110L from AT Microwave is a Balanced MMIC Mixer MMIC that has an RF/LO frequency from 75 to 110 GHz and an IF frequency from DC to 10 GHz. The LO frequency from 9.375 to 13.75 GHz can be multiplied by an integrated 8x active frequency multiplier based on the RF Frequency.
The mixer has a conversion loss of 10 dB and provides LO-to-IF isolation of 40 dB. This balanced mixer requires a DC supply of +5 V and consumes 0.5 A of current. It is available in a module that measures 50 x 25 x 20 mm and has an SMA (female) and WR-10 waveguide interface with a UG-387/U-M anti-cocking flange. This mixer is ideal for W-band imaging, automotive tests, test equipment, RF-Over-Fiber (ROF), and radar system applications.