The DA1469x is a family of multi-core wireless microcontrollers, combining the latest ARM Cortex M33 application processor with floating-point unit, advanced power management functionality, a cryptographic security engine, analog and digital peripherals, a dedicated sensor node controller, and a software configurable protocol engine with a radio that is compliant to the Bluetooth 5.1 low energy standard. The software-configurable Bluetooth low energy protocol engine (MAC) with an ultra-low-power radio transceiver provides an output power of +6 dBm output power and a sensitivity of -97dBm with a total link budget of 102 dBm. These MCUs are ideal for home automation, sportwatches and smartwatches applications. They are available in two package options, a VFBGA86 package that measures 6 x 6 x 0.55 mm and a VFBGA100 package that measures 5 x 5 x 0.475 mm.