RF GaAs Device Industry Forecast 2019

  • Forecast Period: 2018 to 2024
  • Published On: Mar 2020
  • Pages: 30
  • By:  Strategy Analytics
  • Type: Forecast and Outlook
  • Customizable: Yes

According to a report published by Strategy Analytics’, the revenue from RF GaAs-enabled devices has fallen by nearly 6% in 2019, marking the biggest decline since 2004. The report has identified declining smartphone shipments as the primary culprit for this drop in GaAs revenue. The report goes on to forecast that growth will resume, allowing revenue from RF GaAs devices to approach $9 billion by 2024. Drivers for this renewed growth will be the quickening pace of 5G network and device deployments.

Eric Higham Director of the Advanced Semiconductor Applications (ASA) service commented that wireless applications, particularly cellular terminals, dominate GaAs device revenue. Smartphones contain substantial GaAs content, so it was no surprise when declining shipments in 2019 pulled down the entire GaAs market.

1. Disclaimer

2. Executive Summary

3. Introduction

4. RF GaAs Market Forecast

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Market Overview

4.3 Merchant vs. Captive Revenue

4.4 MMIC vs. Discrete Revenue

4.5 RF GaAs MMIC Merchant Market by Applications

4.5.1 Military

4.5.2 Wireless Communications

4.5.3 Fiber Optic Communications

4.5.4 Consumer

4.5.5 Automotive & Misc.

4.6 Forecast by Frequency

5. Discrete GaAs Device Forecast

5.1 Discrete GaAs Device Market: Merchant vs. Captive

5.2 Discrete GaAs Device Applications


5.2.2 Wireless Communications

5.2.3 Consumer

6. How Can We Help You?

Exhibit 4‑1 Total RF GaAs Device Revenue

Exhibit 4‑2 Total RF GaAs Device Revenue (Merchant versus Captive)

Exhibit 4‑3 Total RF GaAs Device Revenue by Device Topology

Exhibit 4‑4 RF GaAs MMIC Merchant Revenue by Application

Exhibit 4‑5 Wireless RF GaAs MMIC Merchant Revenue

Exhibit 4‑6 Merchant GaAs MMIC Revenue for Cellular Terminals

Exhibit 4‑7 2019 RF GaAs MMIC Merchant Market by Operating Frequency

Exhibit 4‑8 2024 RF GaAs MMIC Merchant Market by Operating Frequency

Exhibit 5‑1 Total RF Discrete GaAs Device Revenue

Exhibit 5‑2 Discrete RF GaAs Device Merchant Revenue by Application

In 2019, RF GaAs device revenue dropped for the first time in 15 years. The biggest culprit for this decline is a decline in smartphone shipments. We anticipate 5G device and network deployments will restart revenue growth in 2020, with revenue approaching $9 billion in 2024. Note: the forecasts in this report are based on pre-COVID-19 data.