Strategy Analytics Forecasts Rapid GaN Revenue Growth of $38 Billion by 2028

  • Published On: Jul 2020
  • Pages: 19
  • By:  Strategy Analytics
  • Type: EXCEL
  • Customizable: Yes

The Strategy Analytics Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) report Global Military Communications Market and Technology Forecast: 2018 – 2028 addresses communication system spending and shipments of radios, communications satellites, VSAT terminals, datalinks, and networks with the forecast data segmented by region, domain, mission, and semiconductor content. In response to increased performance requirements, spending for defense communications systems will increase to $38 billion in 2028.

Communications networks for defense applications are going higher in frequency and operating over much broader bandwidths as these networks provide connectivity among many different domains of operation. The report forecasts that GaN will be the fastest-growing device technology, with revenue increasing nearly six-fold over the forecast period.

The effectiveness of evolving battlefield philosophies relies heavily on the speed at which data is acquired, evaluated, and transmitted as a command. To keep forces agile, resources from different domains, including space and autonomous platforms must all communicate effectively. This places an enormous burden on communications networks and GaN technology will see a big revenue boost because it will enable system performance improvements.

1. Title

2. Contents

3. Analysis

4. Global Comms Expenditure

5. Land Comms Exp

6. Airborne Comms Exp

7. Shipborne Comms Exp

8. Space Comms Exp

9. Global Comms Shipments

10. Land Comms Ship

11. Airborne Comms Ship

12. Shipborne Comms Ship

13. Space Comms Ship

14. Global Comms Semi Exp

15. Definitions

16. Methodology

17. How Can We Help You

18. Contacts

19. Flatfile