Global Military Satellite Terminal Market to Reach $6.2 Billion by 2028

  • Published On: Jul 2020
  • Pages: 13
  • By:  Strategy Analytics
  • Type: Data Table and Excel
  • Customizable: Yes

Evolving battlefield philosophies require linking resources and information from different domains and platforms, with satellite networks playing a crucial role in this connectivity. The Strategy Analytics Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) report Global Military Satellite Terminal Market and Technology Forecast: 2018 - 2028 forecasts that the need for terrestrial terminals to incorporate more reconfigurability, capacity, and capabilities will propel satellite terminal revenue past $6 billion in 2028. 

The report also concludes that GaN device performance will enable improved RF capabilities in the terminals, pushing GaN revenue to a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) exceeding 20 percent over the forecast period.

VSAT systems are incorporating software-defined architectures to increase capabilities. Systems are also going higher in frequency and working with broader bandwidths to address the need for more data capacity and capabilities. VSAT radios and systems are also being called upon to provide more connectivity between platforms and domains. Land-based VSAT systems will represent a dominant opportunity in terms of both expenditures and shipments. North America will continue to provide the largest regional market opportunity for the VSAT and component suppliers.

1. Title

2. Contents

3. Analysis

4. Global VSAT Expenditure

5. Expenditure by Freq-Power

6. Global VSAT Shipments

7. Shipments by Freq-Power

8. Global VSAT Semi Exp

9. Definitions

10. Methodology

11. How Can We Help You

12. Contacts

13. Flatfile