How to Design an Efficient Terahertz Bandpass Filter?

The remarkable explosion of wireless devices and bandwidth-consuming Internet applications have boosted the demand for ultra-high data rate wireless communication. To meet the exponentially increasing traffic demand, new regions in the radio spectrum are explored. The terahertz band (0.1 THz-10 THz), sandwiched between microwave frequencies and optical frequencies, is considered as the next breakthrough-point to revolutionize the communication technology due to its rich spectrum resources. It is recognized as a promising candidate for the future 6G communication. Although they have promising advantages, they also have some challenges and limitations.  For instance, the frequency, conductivity, and surface roughness can have a major effect on the filter performance. In this webinar, we will discuss some of the filter design challenges; we shall show you how to use 3D high frequency electromagnetic simulation software to address those challenges and improve the filter performance at THz frequencies.

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