Wireless Antenna Design and Compliance

With the roll-out of fourth generation (4G) networks across the world, compatible smartphones and tablets are becoming the norm. The design and integration of wireless antennas are increasingly receiving attention in a competitive industry. Consumer trends favour the design of slimmer devices, creating the challenge to develop a device that covers the broad frequency spectrum of 4G. Adding to the challenge is the requirement to satisfy the CTIA Wireless Association over-the-air (OTA) and specific absorption rate (SAR) criteria while also maintaining an aesthetically pleasing device. Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas are widely used to improve communications. It reduces multipath fading while offering other advantages due to spatial diversity of the antenna in the device (for example better performance against loading of the user’s hand). FEKO’s complete approach presents engineers with the tools to tackle the design of a wireless antenna during the design cycle from concept to final design.

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