C-V2X Use Cases Methodology, Examples and Service Level Requirements

5G Automotive Association (5GAA) have defined a methodology to describe Use Cases(UC), UC descriptions have been done by numerous constellations during the last decades, different in every region, using different terminology and different ways to describe, etc, This have made it difficult to communicate in one ‘language’.

To overcome this, 5GAA as a leading global organisation with worldwide representation from almost all sectors of the industry have set a common language in this area in a way that is also suitable for Automakers (also known as OEMs) and their interest. This is also proposed since 5GAA works on new, innovative use cases that includes complex interaction between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure in relation to self-driving (autonomous) vehicles, so it is a good time for a new fresh (re)start of this area. 

This white paper describes the 5GAA methodology used to create solution agnostic UC (Use Cases) descriptions in order to facilitate the selection of the most suitable technology to realize a UCs. The white paper uses a few UCs to illustrate the methodology, note that the described UCs are just some examples and do not reflect any 5GAA prioritization of UCs.

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