RF Systems Design for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer (SWIPT) in Automation and Transportation

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  • Author: Diego Masotti; Mazen Shanawani; Ghulam Murtaza; Giacomo Paolini; Alessandra Costanzo

This work presents some recent solutions that exploit the wireless power transfer (WPT) technology for energizing moving vehicles and machinery tools. Such technology is currently experiencing unprecedented interests in non-traditional RF/microwave sectors fields, such the industrial automation and the railway transportation safety. Near-field electromagnetic coupling solutions are presented showing that, in order to obtain efficient performances for broad ranges of operating conditions, the nonlinear electromagnetic co-design of the entire WPT system, from the energy source to the receiver load, needs to be carried out.

This technology can be combined with wireless data transfer, thus realizing integrated systems able to simultaneously control the energy transfer and the transmission of data. The adopted operating frequencies are in the MHz range, which is only recently considered for this kind of applications. In particular this work focuses on three different systems: the first one demonstrates the constant powering of “on the move” industrial charts at 6.78 MHz, regardless of the relative position of the transmitter and the receiver sub-systems; the second one presents a novel design of a balise transportation system adopting a high efficiency GaN-based transmitter designed to keep its performance over a wide range of loading conditions; the last one consists of the simultaneous wireless power and data transfer, to a rotating machinery tool, automatically controlled by the powering system based on the coexistence of frequency-diverse inductive and capacitive couplings.

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