Designing mmWave Bias Tees with Accurate Component Models

The task of designing bias tees is aided by using component models that accurately predict real-life performance over broad frequency ranges. Utilizing such models makes it possible to perform simulations that accurately predict bias-tee performance all the way to mmWave frequencies. An initial design effort of a bias tee was previously performed to explore the fidelity of models with respect to bias-tee applications. This white paper expands on that previous effort by presenting the design of a broader-band bias tee that can operate beyond 60 GHz. Like the previous implementation, the bias tee presented here is designed using Keysight Technologies' PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS) software combined with accurate component models from Modelithics. All models are available in the Modelithics COMPLETE Library, which includes measurement-based models for capacitors, inductors, and resistors. Simulated results will be shown and then later compared with measured data.

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