Isolated Mode Antenna Technology for 4G

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  • Author: Frank M. Caimi, Mark Montgomery, Paul Tornatta

4G promises fast data rates, but delivering exceptional end-user experiences depends on the device antennas. As it is the only structure in mobile device that communicates with the network. The challenges of 4G are multifaceted. First, 4G requires MIMO technology and mobile devices that support MIMO typical have multiple antennas. To benefit from MIMO the antennas must be configured correctly to ensure that independent signal paths can exist in the communication channel. Since the area in smart phones, tablets and other portable devices is extremely limited, this aspect becomes very challenging. Second, the new LTE networks are expected to operate alongside other standards like 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc. Thirdly, the problem of the 700 MHz LTE band, the typical handset is not large enough to resonate at the frequency.

Skycross addressed these challenges with its Isolated Mode Antenna Technology (iMAT). iMAT antennas utilize a patented antenna design technique that enables a single, optimized MIMO antenna element to replace multiple antennas in small wireless devices.

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