How to Ensure C-V2X Functional Performance and 2021 Conformance Requirements

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) depend on technologies that enable greater situational awareness: observing, predicting, and automatically taking action. Cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) has emerged as a wireless link that can help developers achieve higher levels of autonomous operation. However, because C-V2X is built on the evolving 3GPP releases and with many regulatory bodies overseeing the automotive industry, test requirements are a moving target. Conformance to global and regional standards remains challenging, as different countries have different standards for V2X communications.
In laying the foundation of these challenges, this paper will discuss the role of C-V2X in enabling automated driving, 3GPP releases as it pertains to the automotive industry, and the intelligent transportation system (ITS) stack. Various use cases from multiple regions will be reviewed before proposing a solution that is in-step with evolving C-V2X requirements.

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