How a Flexible Upstream Architecture in Amplifiers & Nodes Can Meet Higher Split Requirements

The broadband hybrid fiber coax (HFC) network has had unprecedented increase in demand since March of 2021.Internet traffic has increased 25% to 45% around the world over this time. Multiple system operators (MSOs)around the globe are evaluating the latest DOCSIS® specifications to upgrade their current networks to meet this increased demand.Currently, the weakest link in most HFC networks is the upstream capability. DOCSIS 3.1 and DOCSIS 4.0 will help MSOs improve the upstream capacity and speed. One of the benefits of DOCSIS 3.1 and DOCSIS 4.0 is the provision for higher upstream frequency splits, providing greater bandwidth and higher capacity in the HFC network.

This paper focuses on the upstream architecture inside the amplifiers and nodes for these higher frequency splits,and how Qorvo® products can help network equipment manufacturers provide a flexible network architecture to meet all the MSO’s needs.

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