Long-Haul, High-Capacity 8GHz Terrestrial Microwave Radio Link In-Field Availability Assessment

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  • Author: Erik Boch & Julius Kusuma

The Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) model is particularly well-suited to enable the expansion of mobile connectivity to remote locations that are typically not deemed economically viable using traditional models due to lack of infrastructure, low population density, and high deployment and operational costs.For the purposes of this paper, NaaS is defined as an open access network where a neutral host (NaaSCo) operates a shared Radio Access Network(RAN) that is connected to multiple Mobile Network Operator (MNO) Core Networks. Microwave back-haul is an important component of the rural NaaS model because it provides lower Capex and faster deployment than fiber, and lower Opex than satellite. However, due to the commercial challenges associated with deploying networks in rural areas and the need to reduce the number of RAN and back-haul sites deployed, microwave back-haul links are often required to be extended to great lengths to make the business case viable, while still maintaining acceptable throughput and availability metrics.
This white paper presents the design and deployment methodologies that were employed in long haul (~50km), high capacity (~1.3 Gbps), high availability (>99.99%),carrier-grade wireless microwave links deployed for mobile site back-haul in Peru, using commercially available equipment and standard design software.

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