Basics of Radar and Transmitter Measurements

Radar technology, which was invented and developed for military uses, is now  used for many public purposes covering a wide  application  range,  including  safe and  efficient  operation  of  transport  systems,  weather  forecasting,  automobile collision  prevention,  etc.  Radar  systems,  which  are  part  of  the  social infrastructure  helping  support  our  safe  and  stable societies,  must  operate  accurately  and  reliably.  In  addition,  radar  radio-waves  are  a  unique   resource,  and  the  radar frequency  bands  are  also  used  by  various  radio  communications  equipment,  satellite  communications  and  broadcasting, and other  radio-wave  measurement  systems.  Consequently,  radar  systems  must  meet  certain  international  technology standards  to  avoid  interference  with other  radio  systems.  The  spread  of  advanced  radar  systems  requires  periodic maintenance  tests  of  radar  transmitters  and  effective  measurement methods  to  assure  stable  operation  and  compliance with relevant laws.

This White Paper outlines measuring instruments for testing the basic radio performance of pulse-radar transmissions used mainly for meteorological observations and air traffic-control systems.

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