VSAT: 5 Must-Have System Characteristics

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  • Author: Jon Manley

VSAT is ideal for establishing two-way links for data, voice,video and Internet connectivity with remote or mobile locations in one compact, economical package. It easily connects distant workplaces with a company’s central office or communications center (star topology) or directly with other VSAT units (mesh topology), or a combination of both.VSAT networks can consist of from several dozen antennas and terminals up to 500 units.Anywhere there’s a need for reliable, mission critical or far-flung remote communications, VSAT is a growing part of the solution, because of its rapid setup, high throughput and
secure point-to-point nature. It’s also relatively simple to integrate into an existing network. You don’t need a PC or the Internet to use it, and it offers a huge advantage for security and protection of data since information is not transmitted over the Internet.

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