The Benefits of Bluetooth LE Connectivity in Power Tools

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  • Author: Kiruba Subramani & Paul Daigle

In recent years, industrial tool manufacturers have started to incorporate wireless connectivity into their products to enable a wide array of features including power tool tracking, configuration updates from a smartphone app,geofencing for theft prevention, real-time performance monitoring, and over-the-air (OTA) updates. Loss prevention in particular is an important concern for many customers because it not only requires the replacement of a tool, but also reduces productivity due to unplanned downtime.Likewise, customers are also worried about the security concerns arising from counterfeits and tampering.

In this whitepaper, Silicon Labs provide an overview of the various use cases commonly seen in the industrial power tools segment and highlight the capabilities that come with the integration of a wireless module -specifically Bluetooth Low Energy (LE). In addition, this document highlights a couple of upcoming opportunities in this segment, namely accurate power tool tracking using Bluetooth AoA /AoD and HADM techniques, as well as predictive maintenance using machine learning.

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