Capabilities and Limitations of Non-GEO Constellations

High-Throughput LEO and MEO satellite constellations  are taking center stage during a pivotal time for high-speed satcom, but intrinsic business-case and architectural facets will mold the multi-orbit, multi-band satellite paradigm. This white paper leverages NSR’s Non-GEO Constellations Analysis Toolkit 2.0 (NCAT2) to factually dive into the capabilities and limitations of LEO constellations, and the LEO-GEO complementation potential.

Using SpaceX as example, and assuming two Starlink sub-constellations fully deployed, the paper follows a multiple-perspective approach to analysis: It includes a granular supply and demand assessment, interference-avoidance exclusion angles, ARPU and distribution considerations. The paper concludes with perspectives on how, in the future, LEOs may best interplay with well-established GEOs.

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